I’m sick of defending Twitter to non-Twitter users — partly because it’s already a $10 billion company, but mostly because those who deride Twitter have never used it. I’m talking about average people here, the kid who says: “Oh, that’s just where people just, like, talk about what they eat for lunch and stuff like …
Tag Archive: facebook
Social media useful, yet distracting
Students use sites for school, work and staying in touch with friends and family With technology moving fast, so are MSUM students, either updating Facebook statuses or Tweeting on Twitter. “It’s cheap to use. I used Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family in Iraq while I’m here in the U.S.,” said Burhmn …
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Facebook letters provide explanation for disgust
In an ideal world, Facebook and Twitter would be for connecting and sharing with the people you want to stay in touch with your entire time spent on earth (and on the Internet). Unfortunately, since humans are still humans, a good concept has once again been turned into something partially horrible. Before you post a …
Unhand others
BY JUNIPER PENDLETON P.O. Box 2 I know how this is going to sound but shut up. You’re going to think I’m saying this because I’m single or whatever. But that’s not it. People should stop holding hands. Couples, mostly. They are the ones who hold hands, traditionally speaking. Friends don’t hold hands as much. …
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