Time to speed date
Minute to Mingle on Feb. 2 will engage students with many of their peers. But be quick: You only have a minute to mingle.
Sponsored by the Residence Hall Association, this event invites everyone to enjoy food, fun and conversation. The stoplight theme easily identifies students’ intentions, with red representing unavailable, yellow as looking and green as available. Students are invited to wear their intention-signaling color, but colored nametags will also be provided.
But the goal of the event is not to increase the amount of couples on campus.
“We want students to take a break and increase their friendship numbers,” said RHA representative Janea Olson.
To aid students in the speedy meetings, 12 typed-out questions will be available in each “date” to ensure jam-packed minute of conversation.
The CMU ballroom will open at 7 p.m., and at 7:30 p.m. the mingling will begin. Immediately following there will be a dance from 10 p.m. to midnight.