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Community members try liquid protein

There’s a way to lose weight without having to diet or exercise.

When most people hear this phrase, they automatically become skeptical but at the same time extremely curious.

With our society focused so much on what we look like, many people may think this could be a quick fix to their problem.

In this instance, if you’re from the Fargo-Moorhead area and listen to the valley’s “No. 1 hit music station,” you may be very familiar with hearing about this weight loss liquid.

It’s called “liquid protein” and is supposed to take inches off while you sleep without having to diet or exercise.

The process behind the liquid protein is that you take one tablespoon of it every night right before you go to sleep and the protein helps the natural way your body burns fat.

On its website, the makers say that the first 45 minutes of when you’re asleep, your body is attempting to burn fat.

Since most people don’t receive the appropriate amount of protein their bodies need, taking this protein helps the process your body naturally goes through when you fall asleep.

This way of trying to lose weight has become very popular in our area due to one major advocate.

Megan from the Y94 Morning Playhouse, who goes by just her radio name to keep her private life from the public eye, is a huge supporter of liquid protein.

Anyone who has listened to the station has most likely heard one of the many ads supporting the weight-loss regimen.

They all vary, saying it’s perfect for people having problems losing weight because they work night shifts, they take other vitamins for their health that usually interfere, they can never stick with a diet plan and have no time to exercise or basically any other reason people have problems losing weight.

Megan said, like many of the people who are already taking liquid protein, she first heard about it from a friend and after months of unsuccessfully trying to lose some extra inches.

“I was having trouble losing weight and I was getting really frustrated, so I figured, why not, it’s protein, let’s see if it’s as good as it sounds,” Megan said.

One question she made sure she was prepared for was whether it actually works by itself or if you need to diet and exercise regularly.

Her answer to all of those people is yes, it does work.

The first month Megan took liquid protein she didn’t diet or exercise at all to see if it really did work.

“I did see the inches come off without exercising,” she said. “After that I did start exercising again, which was tough, but obviously when you add something like that it makes more of a difference faster. It’s not always necessary, but it helps a lot.”

Her ads say she’s lost 56 inches since she started to take liquid protein, but does that mean she’s lost the pounds?

According to Megan, how many pounds you lose isn’t the most important part about looking and feeling better.

To see how well the liquid protein is working, the makers give some measuring tape and a list of everything you measure from upper arms, chest, waist, lower calves and everything in between.

The amount of inches you lose are all of the different places you measure added together to equal the total amount of inches lost. Megan said she hardly ever weighs herself.

“The main goal is to fit into a smaller pair of jeans or a smaller dress, so if you see you have a smaller waist or hips or anything, you shouldn’t be worrying about what the number is on the scale,” she said.

One of the hardest parts, a fellow liquid protein taker said, is trying to stay with taking it every night.

Senior Kirsten Haugrud heard one of the many radio ads and, like Megan, was getting fed up with trying everything to lose weight with nothing working.

Unfortunately, she hasn’t had as great of results as others have.

“I tried taking it every night, but since to see any big results you have to take it at least a few months, it became very hard to not get disheartened,” Haugrud explained. “It gets hard that after a month you still weigh the same and don’t feel any different.”

On the site, it says the normal amount of loss is about two pants sizes in two months.

On the directions, it says to not eat after 8 at night for maximum results.

Haugrud usually doesn’t get off work until 9:30 to 10 p.m., so it makes her wonder if little things like that are what is preventing her from achieving maximum results.

Like any other weight-loss supplement, liquid protein works better for some people than others.

It costs about $40 per bottle, which lasts about a month and the more you buy at a time the less it costs per bottle.

So, either stick to skepticism or give in to curiosity.


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