Exhibit marks beginning of the end for art seniors



A crowd of both the young and old filed into the Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gallery Thursday to enjoy the display of carved wood pieces, framed paintings and detailed drawings at the opening reception of the Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition.

The BFA Exhibition, which goes on throughout the year, is a requirement for seniors in the school of visual arts.

This installment of the exhibit included eight students who welcomed their family and friends to admire their pieces at the reception last Thursday.

“I’m very proud of her,” Deb Larson, the mother of one senior who had her works displayed, said. “This is the first time I’m seeing her completed work, and I’m impressed.”

More than 200 people visited the gallery during the opening reception.

The chance to have their art pieces be a part of a gallery showcase was not missed on some students.

“It’s very exciting to have the opportunity to display my work,” senior Claire Doolittle said. “And to get to do that with the support of classmates, friends, family and professors is just great.”

The exhibition will be open through Thursday. The next BFA exhibit opens Mar. 2, with a reception on the 5th.

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