Letter From the Editor

BY: LOGAN PETERSON, petersonlo@mnstate.edu

The phrase, “a long and arduous journey” has been circling through my head. In a good way, if that’s possible.

This year was my second at The Advocate, and first as Editor. It was certainly a different experience than my first year.

Of course, I came into the year with plans. I planned this and I planned that, as is the nature of planning. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on who you ask) some of those plans never came to fruition.

In their place, many other great things did, though.  Like any other time you work with great minds, new ideas are a dime-a-dozen. This year I was lucky enough to work with a lot of great minds.

A student newspaper—a true student newspaper—is one that is run by the students. I am happy to report that The Advocate is one of those institutions.

The Advocate doesn’t exist to cover the “big” news. I.E., what the president is doing, what’s happening in our nation, big celebrities, but there are other papers for that. Instead, we focus on what only we report on: the lives of MSUM students.

The concept is called hyperlocal: “Relating to or focusing on matters concerning a small community or geographical area.” To me, and I think the rest of the staff here, that means highlighting what is important to and about the MSUM students, faculty and campus.

Papers like the New York Times or Washington Post don’t have time to cover the AMCS controversy, understand the R-4 parking lot situation or highlight the career of an impressive MSUM swimmer, but that doesn’t make the subjects any less important.

If we did inform one student, or bring light to one of the amazing things happening on this campus, I would categorize this year as a success.

I would like to thank the staff for sticking together and producing a wonderful paper this year.  Thank you to Melissa Gonzalez for managing an engaging and informative news section. Thank you to Katie Betz for recognizing the impressive qualities and achievements of MSUM students in the variety section. Thank you to Griffin Nelson for keeping up a robust sports section (even when he was the only one writing articles in it!)

Thank you to Maddie Schmidt for polishing every article according to grammar rules and AP style. Thank you to Tylar Frame for jumping in at the beginning of second semester, unphased and ready to deal with the insanity that is being The Advocate’s
Photo Editor. Thank you to Geneva Nodland who went about and beyond, producing articles through sickness and health. Thank you to Alexis Walstrom for “webbing” articles and taking on some stories.  Thank you to Deneen Gilmour, our faculty adviser, who helped us grow and improve along the way.

Thank you to everyone else—freelancers and former staff members—for helping contribute to this paper throughout the year.

Just as importantly, thank you to everyone who read and engaged with the stories that we produced. This paper is for you, and we are all glad to be a part of distilling a piece of MSUM life for you.

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