A summer in all seasons
How do you keep positive? Tweet @MSUMadvocate #keeptheshine Summer approaches and excitement mounts. Students and faculty members alike are gearing up for vacations, concerts and family get togethers. Summer creates an […]
How do you keep positive? Tweet @MSUMadvocate #keeptheshine Summer approaches and excitement mounts. Students and faculty members alike are gearing up for vacations, concerts and family get togethers. Summer creates an […]
Can you have more then one “best” friend? Tweet @MSUMadvocate #bestfriends There can only be one best friend, according to the definition, as “best” is of the highest quality or […]
Today, students present months of hard work and preparation to in the 15th annual Student Academic Conference. This year, the SAC coordinators have worked to make the presentation schedule more […]
How can you spread happiness today? Tweet @MSUMadvocate #actionhappiness This past week many students took part in Suicide Awareness Week. Sadly, I know much more about this subject than I ever […]
Why stick to a budget? Tweet @MSUMadvocate #budgetfortomorrow A recent article on The Forum’s website caught my attention this week. It is reported that the nation’s total student debt nearly tripled […]