Konrad Czynski performs for his students, keeping them constantly entertained and enthusiastic about his class lectures. The philosophy professor actively communicates his studies by making the classroom a stage.
“Teaching is performance and over the years I have noticed you cannot be dry or solemn,” Czynski said. “You think of yourself as performing your ideas not just stating them.”
Czynski places himself among the students in his classroom. He utilizes students’ strengths to help better teach his classes. Czynski asks international students to speak to his classes about their culture and religion.
“I am a student and my students are the teachers,” Czynski said. “I was fortunate to find a career that benefits me and helps me grow.”
He takes full advantage of all the equipment MSUM has to offer to keep students involved. From guest speakers to movies, Czynski tests every teaching method to find one that works best for him and his students.
“We don’t just take notes on a slide but view pictures and watch movies,” said junior Hunter Johnson. “You just never know what to expect in his classes.”
Walking in the classroom every day with a smile, Czynski creates a friendly, two-way bridge between himself and his students, making learning a team effort.
“I try to learn every student’s name,” said Czynski, “That is one way I try to get across the bridge.”
He makes full effort in the beginning of every class period to recite every student’s name. In addition, every time a student runs into Czynski in the hallway, he always plays the “name game.”
“It is where he guesses your full name as he remembers you from previous classes,” Johnson said. “I had him once in a class of over 40 students a few semesters ago and he still remembers my whole name.”
His persistently energetic and outgoing teaching technique keeps students engaged.
“He is always excited and jumping around the classroom,” Johnson said. “He is never tired or worn down like many professors can become.”
From his quirky outfits to his enthusiastic personality, Czynski’s classes are always a production. It’s not the typical class lecture but an original Czynski performance.