By Logan Peterson,
Friday, April 12, is the last day to vote in the Student Senate elections. The ballots close at 4:30 p.m. today.
Contested positions include Senator for Humanities and Social Sciences seat with Sebkewongel Dage and Khalid Nakelly both running; the College of Science, Health & the Environment seat with Arsema Mekonnen and Ethan Gerbig running; the College of Business and Innovation seat with Michael Hajostek, Khalid Nakelly and Haroon Al Hayder running; and the International Student Senator seat with Mohamed Conde and Mohammed Azad running.
All other positions, including the four executive seats, only have one option to vote for, or a write-in field. The Senator-at-Large positions have three candidates running for 12 total seats.
This year’s ballot has one issue—constitutional changes—that requires a student vote. A brief summary of the changes are included here:
“1. Various grammatical updates.
- Updating language to match Students United’s governing documents.
- Clarifying the qualifications for chair positions.
- Updating expectations for the executive team members to meet with university officials.”
To approve these changes, Student Senate needs at least 5% of eligible student voters to cast a ballot on the matter. This is around 300 students, according to discussions in last week’s senate meeting.
Eligible student voters can access the ballot online with their student IDs.
A full list of candidates is included here:
William Hagen: President
Maryan Adepitan: Vice President
Jill Maahs: Secretary
Emily Deglman: Treasurer
Mohamed Conde: International Student Senator
Mohammed Azad: International Student Senator
Baylee Hanson: College of Education and Human Services
Ethan Gerbig: College of Science, Health & the Environment
Arsema Mekonnen: College of Science, Health & the Environment
Seblewongel Dagne: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Khalid Nakelly: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Michael Hajostek: College of Business and Innovation
Anna Njie: College of Business and Innovation
Haroon Al Hayder: College of Business and Innovation
Ritu Pandey: Senator-at-Large
Nico Arias: Senator-at-Large
Bijeta Gurung: Senator-at-Large