
The Advocate is now hiring for fall 2012. You may download an application here. Please submit your application with one work sample to our office in CMU 110. The deadline to apply is Mar. 23. Questions may be emailed to Charly Haley at haleych [at] mnstate [dot] edu.

Open Positions:


  • Come up with story ideas
  • Recruit and monitor writers
  • Organize staff members’ assignments
  • With assistant editor, monitor news section (because there isn’t a news editor)
  • Stay in contact with photo editor to make sure each section has photos
  • Make the ultimate decisions on what is published
  • Be available for all staff members to go to when they need help
  • Work with business manager and ad manager to ensure healthy fiscal state
  • Let business manager know about changes to payroll (example: someone is sick and doesn’t come to layout that week)
  • Design front page and back page (with headlines)
  • With assistant editor and opinion editor, write editorial
  • Always check Advocate email for story ideas, comments, etc.
  • Check messages on Advocate phone
  • Make own decisions and innovations on the newspaper
  • Stay in contact with printer and send paper to them every Tuesday night
  • Stay in contact with adviser, and seek help when needed
  • With assistant editor, hire staff members (for the following year, and when needed)
  • Do everything humanly possible to make sure the paper comes out

Assistant Editor

  • Design News pages (with headlines)
  • Come up with story ideas
  • With editor, monitor news section
  • Stay in contact with photo editor for news photos
  • With editor and opinion editor, write editorial
  • With editor, hire staff members (for the following year, and when needed)
  • Assist editor when needed on all things (so they do not go crazy)

A&E, Features and Sports Editors

  • Monitor own section
  • Come up with story ideas for section
  • Make sure section is filled each week
  • Design pages for section (with headlines)
  • Stay in contact with photo editor to make sure photos accompany stories in section
  • Seek editor if help is needed

Copy Editors

  • Edit every page on Tuesday nights during layout
  • Each page goes through three rounds of edits. Two copy editors view the page each round.
  • While editing pages, pay attention to everything: AP style, grammar, wording, captions, photos/graphics, headlines, etc.
  • Seek editor if help is needed

Online Editor

  • Post everything to website
  • Monitor social networking accounts (Facebook, Twitter, blogs)
  • Design/maintain website
  • Help with multimedia such as videos and podcasts
  • Seek editor if guidance is needed

Ad Manager

  • SELL ADS (so that the publication does not die)
  • Hire ad reps
  • Oversee sales by ad reps (and calculate commissions)
  • Complete ad layout before newspaper layout on Tuesday nights
  • Maintain ad clients
  • Work with business manager to make sure the financial state of The Advocate is secure
  • Work with business manager to create tear sheets
  • Report ad sales to editor each week
  • Report to editor

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