Olaf waves to all his new friends at MSUM.
With the never-ending snow littering MSUM’s campus once again, the fiery Dragon mascot MSUM adopted for decades has lost its relevance to the tundra we live in.
Administration has made a decision to adopt a much more fitting representative for MSUM – Olaf the snowman.
Olaf is the friendly, loving sidekick in D i s n e y ’s newest film “Frozen.” The eccentric s n o w m a n who loves warm hugs more than life itself is on his way to MSUM’s campus as you read this sentence, riding in his own private jet kept at a cool 30 degrees to keep him composed.
At a vote last Thursday, administration unanimously decided to fork over the necessary funds to Disney in order to make MSUM Olaf’s new home with hopes of boosting campus morale.
“Just because you’re freezing cold all the time doesn’t mean you can’t be in a good mood and get through your curriculum efficiently,” said David Wahlberg, executive director for communications and marketing at MSUM. “Olaf is the perfect mascot to remind students to stay happy and positive even when it’s April and there’s a foot of snow on the ground,” Wahlberg said.
Olaf arrives in Moorhead later this evening and will be escorted to a secret location before the official mascot initiation ceremony takes place tomorrow at 4 p.m. on the Campus Mall, weather permitting.
With the season’s latest blizzard painting the town white once again, Olaf will feel right at home. “As for now, Olaf will be a cheerful face around campus, making his home wherever his little frozen heart desires,” Walhberg said.
When asked where Olaf will live during warmer months, Walhberg just laughed.
“Administration has little hope that summer will even happen this year,” Wahlberg said. “If and when that does happen, we’ll be sure Olaf’s cooler is large enough for him and any snow visitors he would like to invite to MSUM.”
In an interview exclusive to the Advocape, Olaf voiced how ecstatic he was to call MSUM his new home.
“I just keep thinking of all the wonderful smiling faces I’ll get to see every day,” Olaf said. “Hopefully there will be plenty of warm hugs waiting for me when I land.”
Olaf’s mascot ceremony will be held Wednesday on the Campus Mall at 4 p.m. Students interested in giving Olaf a warm hug of their own are encouraged to come early.