By: Logan Peterson,
“Alright I just have to read this to you guys, otherwise I’m not going to make it through,” Maddie Jo Carlson, Vice President of Student Senate, said on Nov. 29, 2018. “I will be resigning my position as your vice president effective Dec. 20, 2018.”
Carlson has led almost every meeting since the beginning of this semester. According to her statement, she is regretfully stepping down due to time and financial constraints.
“Before the word ‘senate’ comes ‘student,’ and I have done a really good job of ignoring that this semester,” Carlson said.

Carlson’s report also noted her appreciation for the opportunity to serve. She said it was one of her “coolest” college experiences.She thanked her fellow senators for their hard work, dedication and efforts to make MSUM a better campus.
“You guys have all inspired me to be the best vice president, leader and friend I can be, and for that I thank you. And I’m really sorry this is the way it has to go.”
There were no follow-up questions for Carlson’s report during the meeting, but she encouraged other senators to come talk to her afterward if they wished.
Annie Wood, Student Senate’s advisor, said that she andPresident of Student Senate Rahil Pereira planned on meeting Monday, Dec. 3, to talk about their interpretations of the constitutions in the current situation.Wood said she didn’t want to speak on the process until she’d met with Pereira.
“I recognize that it’s a student organization, but also that duality with it being a student representation body,” Wood said. “So we’ll really make sure that we follow (the constitution and the bylaws), and that we’ll seek additional guidance from Steve (Fox) who’s our leadership and student organization expert.”
The Student Senate Constitution says that voluntary removal requires that the member submit a letter of resignation to the sitting president of Student Senate. When a vacancy occurs within the senate, the constitution reads that “the president shall bring an eligible candidate before the Senate for appointment subject to a 2/3 secret ballot vote of members present at the meeting” according to section 4.1.
Candidates for vice president, and all other executive board members, are required to be a sophomore, have served on Student Senate for at least one semester, have at least a 2.5 GPA and be currently enrolled as a full-time student.
“This is going to be the first time in college that I haven’t been a part of Student Senate,” Carlson said. “It’s going to be really weird. I am excited for the new chapter, but also it breaks my heart completely.”
Carlson said she does not know if she’ll return as a part ofSenate in the future, but says she has made a lot of good connections, and hopes she was a good influence on her peers in the Senate as well.