BY LAURA BAIER — MSUM’s Center for the Arts isn’t just a place students come to learn and receive a degree. It’s also the birthplace of one of Fargo-Moorhead’s newest bands, Into the Lake. An alternative folk band, the group includes Robert Biglow on vocals, guitar, and…
- “Let’s Talk About TERFs”–An Important Conversation on Feminism and Transphobia
- Students Bring Attention to Campus-Made Masks
- MSUM Wellness Center Promotes Positive Mental Health with Meditation Breaks
- Dragon Frost Provides Events and Experience to Reconnect MSUM Students
- A COVID-19 Valentine’s Day: How To Celebrate Safely In A Pandemic
- NDSU Students Take a Stand Against Racism on Campus
- COVID-19 Friendly Thanksgiving Tips
- Senators join students to get out the vote
- MSUM’s Residential Halls Remain Open Despite COVID-19
- Student Union Introduces Artists in Color
- Community Members March for Climate Justice
- MSUM Alumnus Makes Waves in Country Music
- In-person, Online, or Both Stay Connected to Campus Through Student Events
- We are Looking for Creative Writing!
- Strength in Small Businesses: Downtown Fargo Deals with Impact of COVID-19 Closures
- Surviving Quarantine: Long Distance Relationship Edition
- Anne Blackhurst isn’t Your Friend
- Dealing With the Unexpected
- COVID-19’s Lasting Effects on Campus Communities
- Student Academic Conference Resorts to Online-Only Presentations
- What is Hendrix Doing Now?
- Students Adapt to Modified Advising Process
- Local High School Athletes Feel Effects of COVID-19
- Program and Job Cuts At MSUM
- Plains Art Museum Cancels Spring Gala Featuring MSUM Art Student
- MSUM Student Athletes affected by COVID-19
- We’re Hiring!
- Letter from the Editor
- “I Killed Columbus”
- Battle of the Bands
- Madelyn’s Bibliophilia: Why We Broke Up
- Job Cuts Loom at MSUM
- Personal Panache
- Racetracks, salons and antiques … Oh my!
- Student Union Finds Success in TGIF Program
- Discussion About International Student Job Opportunity
- Housing Preparing For Winter Break
- Wear the Latest Technology: the Smartwatch Trend
- Madelyn’s Bibliophilia: “Bridge of Clay”
- Bizarre Bazaar: The Race Scientist and His Sexy Skull
- Madelyn’s Bibliophilia
- Ride the CBD Wave
- Someone You Should Meet: Popular TikTok Creator from MSUM
- TikTok: the Trend that Hasn’t Timed Out
- Center for Global Engagement Addresses International Student Enrollment
- Chris Walker: Photographer and Professor
- Empty Pockets
- Fargo Hosts Climate Discussion
- Spark or No Spark: The New Way to Declutter
- The Enneagram Trend
- Enrollment Numbers for MSUM Released
- The Story Addict
- International Enrollment Dropping Locally and Nationally
- #SaveTheTurtles: From A Hashtag To A Movement
- MSUM Implements Graduation Fee
- Hendrix shifts focus to counseling
- The New Provider: Family HealthCare
- Finding Prescriptions
- Students Strike for Climate Action
- Reaching Out for Help
- Target, Fire, Decertify: How Sodexo Allegedly Drove Out the Union
- New Take on Downtown Moorhead
- A Mouse in the Spinach
- Roof Replacement Remedies Water Leak
- R-4 Lot to Remain Reserved Parking Indefinitely
- Letter From the Editor
- Sand to Snow
- Student Senate Receives SABC Allocation Recommendation, Set to Vote for Approval May 2
- American Multicultural Studies: Continuous Questions About the Future
- Student Senate Votes Unanimously to Recommend $30 Increase in New Student Orientation Fee
- MSUM Professor Reflects on Students’ Response to Flood
- Catching Sunrays: Dragons softball looks to use spring break success as season catalyst
- Emerging Leaders Help With Sandbagging Efforts
- Student Senate Votes 13-6 To Recommend Parking Pass Price Increase
- From Playbills to the Constitution
- University Implements Email Transition Planned Since 2013
- Thrifting: Saving More Than Just Money
- Student Film “No. 19” begins to wrap up on production
- Former MSUM Professor Still Active in Community
- UPDATE: Administration Closes Campus Mar. 14 Due to Expected Weather Conditions
- Dragon Diver Prepping for NCAA Division II Championships
- Back to Backspin
- J-Mill Answers the Burning Question: Where do we find the Best Chicken Strip Basket?
- Student Spreads Joy With Personality and Artwork
- Eight Steps to Acing an Online Class
- “The Financial Model is not Sustainable”
- One Person’s Trash…: Future Dragon Runs Instagram Thrift Store
- Working Like a Dog: MSUM’s Service Animal Policy
- The Fullbacks and Running Backs: Dragons Football Signings Scouting Overview
- Winter Winds Leave Planned Schedules In Dust: How Students and Professors are Dealing With Three Snow Days
- MSUM Alum Conor Lee Promotes First Album Release
- Dragons Dance Goes to Disney World
- Xcel Energy Currently Shutting Down Around 975 Moorhead Customer Gas Lines for Repairs
- Community advocates stress need for safety while using dating applications
- The Quarterbacks: Dragons Football Signings Scouting Overview
- Spencer Van Beck and Autumn Schaeffer Named Dragonfrost Royalty
- Far Out, Man: HAIR in Concert at MSUM Feb. 9
- Dragonfrost Royalty Vote Ends Feb. 8
- “Feeling the Love, Just with a Lot of Sugar”: Pie Day at Kappa Sigma Rush
- “Drawing Desire”: An Art Colloquium
- Sprinkler Malfunction a Fluke Rather than Product of Vortex
- Why There is a Lack of Women in Sports Media
- Senate votes to move $45,000 from reserve funds to Travel and Supplemental Funding Budget
- Katie’s Kise Food Review
- Campus Health Centers Help Students Process Grief
- Grit. Humility. Heart. Karla Nelson, MSUM Women’s Basketball Coach, Speaks on Coaching With Broken Arm
- Together for the Women of Tomorrow; The Women’s March Returns to Fargo-Moorhead
- Nine Ways to Make Your Dorm Room Feel More Like Home
- Humble Beginnings: MSUM’s Club Hockey Team Hopes for bright future
- Kise Temporarily Closes Down After Sprinkler Bursts
- The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and more: MSUM Planetarium hosts Laserfest 2019
- Campus Car Theft Investigation Still Ongoing
- MSUM Women’s Basketball Beats Augustana 79-61
- Women’s Rugby Team Places Fourth In National Championship
- Students Discuss Card Game, “Magic: The Gathering”
- “Kid Vision”: MSUM Student Hip-Hop Artist
- Dragons Football Blown Out in Bowl, Search for Silver Linings
- Galaxies Not So Far Away: MSUM Professor 3-D Prints “BB-8” Replica
- Recycling Challenge Returns for Second Year: Sustainable Student Association strives to educate students on sustainable practices
- What a Picture Says A Review of “On Place: Three Views of the Land”
- Vice President of Student Senate Announces Resignation
- Trump’s War on Journalism: The “Cold War” Between President Trump and the Media
- Young Run: X-Country Star relishes time at MSUM
- MSUM Women’s Basketball Season Preview
- MSUM Celebrates American Indian Heritage Month
- Dragons Beat Out St. Cloud 13-10 on Senior Day
- Buying books: Why on-campus bookstore prices differ from online options
- Dragons boom for 95 points in exhibition victory over Minnesota Morris
- From Fasting to Filling Up: Nutritional habits student athletes follow
- “If the Dress Fits”: MSUM Student Brings Nonprofit to Moorhead
- Not Just Cauldrons and Cats: Women’s Center Coordinator sheds new light on witches
- Get Educated on North Dakota Ballot Measures
- Student Leader Shines at College Conference
- International Justice Mission Represented at MSUM
- Dollar Lunches Bring Students Together Every Tuesday
- Twin Dragons: Brothers, Identical in More Ways Than One
- Student Senate Works to Help Students Vote After Polling Place Change
- A Solid Foundation
- Counselors in Training: MSUM Program Helps Students Grow Skills and Offers Support to Community
- TOP 5 Sporting Events in November
- Making “No. 19”
- MSUM Community Weighs In on Voter ID Law Passed in North Dakota
- From Moorhead to D.C.
- Up for the Rebound
- Student Senate Seeks to Increase Visibility with Campus Community
- Student Senate discusses “AMCS” and “Rent College Pads”
- International Experience: Students Internationally Together Hosts Nepali Dinner
- Film Brings Validation to LGBT Community
- #RedBallProject makes its way to MSUM campus
- Mexican Food Serves Up Knowledge and Perspective for Students
- Crabs and labs: Marine biology students welcome aquatic life
- “R.I.P. AMCS”: Controversial banner raises questions
- With Warnings about a Level 3 Sex Offender near Campus, Public Safety Talks Security
- Testing Agility: Dragon Ninja Warrior
- Assist goes to Greaney: MSUM soccer coder aims to help off pitch.
- Snarr renovations complete: The next steps for MSUM housing development
- Celebrating Heritage and Art
- Why Advise?: MSUM begins advising, and you need to prepare
- What to expect: A preview of MSUM theater
- Letter from the editor: Looking forward to this year
- MSUM Students Record Album in Basement: “Pain Grows in Promising Places”
- Inspiring Dragon Pride: MSUM’s hype-man
- Take Back the Night: Raising awareness for indigenous women
- Top Five Sporting Events: October
- Anime Clubs and Conventions Provide Fun, Community and Lifelong Friendships
- Introducing Archery Tag: a fresh face spells change for intramurals.
- Swordfights are not a thing of the past: Local historic group visits Dragonfest
- MSUM Provides Space for New Americans
- “Meet and Confer”: Discourse over campus parking change
- “It All Adds Up”: MSUM CFO hosts Gender Justice and more for co-pay free birth control discussion
- What’s in your professor’s sink?
- New kids on the block: Student Senate’s first meeting
- “What’s Up?”: Planets, moons, stars and STEVE
- Dragons in the Emerald City: MSUM soccer team visits Seattle
- Top 5 Athletic Events of the Month: September
- “Run. Hide. Fight.”
- Dancing Blind: MSUM student experiments with new dance style
- Sweet Treats: Three new ice cream spots in Downtown Fargo
- Students Save Time with University’s Career Services
- Starting off right: Dragons show maturity and promise in 2018 opening win
- Money for memorials: Frat fundraises for veterans
- MSUM in the NFL: Exploring the possibility of Dragons standout Gibson playing at the next level
- Queer Cords: LGBT+ seniors honored at campus ceremony
- Informing state response: New state sexual violence coordinator solicits campus feedback
- An English excursion: the successes and struggles of the Lincoln exchange
- They’re back, and they’re brisk: Softball team plays chilly home opener
- Democratic duty: Student Senate polls closing soon
- Jumping to greatness: Dragons track and field star shines at Indoor Championships
- OPINION: Beat the blues: Volunteering full of health benefits
- OPINION: A nightmare on Eighth Street: Moorhead Taco Bell frustrates with spotty hours
- Spring break service: Students help Harvey cleanup effort
- Schedule Planner: New software Schedule Planner is introduced
- “I’ve been told that I’m in a cult,” South Korean church recruits MSUM students
- Actions speak louder than words
- What comes next? Students grapple with answering the life-shaping question
- Sorry Mr. Cooper: School is IN for the summer
- Service today, memories forever: Volunteering changes communities and lives
- For the love of tennis
- Monologues with a message: Students raise money to end gender-based violence
- Borowicz shines as Dragons women’s hoops drop Mustangs
- No days off
- Rodeo royalty: Quad-College drag show a success
- ‘Fear of failure’
- Dragons women’s hoops rolling as Thorson sets three-point record
- #MeToo: A global phenomenon, a necessary conversation
- An English excursion: MSUM students spend a semester overseas
- Starting from scratch: New club teaches kids to code
- Can you dig it: Vega finishes season top-10 in digs
- Worldly ambitions: Model UN hosts first ever conference
- Beaver Dam: Dragons lose ‘Axe’ to Bemidji State on senior day
- Mentoring for hope
- Boots made for serving and schooling: Campus veterans thriving at MSUM
- Open mic, open mind: Red Weather hosts poetry slam
- Futurama failure: When universities think big, the results end up small
- Altar-ing perceptions: The Day of the Dead brought to life with MSUM students
- Securing the position: Public Safety job opens unexpectedly early
- Generations of gentlemen: Sig Tau returns to Moorhead
- The Dragons’ dynamic transfer
- Row the paddle: Sinani leads Dragons to win over Marauders
- Dragons on ice: Low temps and loss freeze spirits on senior day
- Take a breath: Why students are suffering without fall breather
- Intimate support for intimate violence: Women’s Center holds session on recognizing partner abuse
- I don’t know how Bugs Bunny does it: My week with carrots
- Dragons basketball preview: A look at what’s in store for the upcoming season
- Carr’s last ride: MSUM’s record-setting quarterback
- Proud history on paper
- Radio ready: Getting your foot in the door
- Unusually inspiring: Life lessons from Odd?Rod
- Absence of accompaniment: MSUM’s a cappella group in full sing
- Intertwining identities: Coming Out Week celebrates intersectionality
- United by memories: CMU celebrates 50th anniversary
- All hail Macbeth: MSUM takes on the Bard’s play
- Homecoming fizzle: Dragons fall to Bulldogs
- Retaining the Rock: Dragons soccer tie Golden Eagles
- Dragons soccer edged by Augustana: Family Day lifts mood after close loss
- A sober outlet: MSUM students experience non-alcoholic entertainment
- Weathering the storm: Dragon football prevails against Concordia-St. Paul
- Dragon soccer laces up with pride
- Speak up, take back: Fighting campus sexual assault
- Goal line lager: Endzone Extravaganza is a can-crushing success
- Organized opposition: Women’s center coordinator teaches activism tools
- DragonFest 2017
- Butter bae: Student’s passion takes her to state fair
- MSUM STUDENT HAS KINGLY DUTIES: Pakistan native brings tastes of home to Fargo
- Dragons Rough Around the Edges, Lose Home Opener 51-35
- Just add water
- Racist hearsay causes senate uproar
- A somber goodbye and a bittersweet hello
- Finding our flame
- teamwork makes the dream work
- Navigating through the night
- Getting down with business
- Placing on the podium
- Sweet and stamps
- Dragon frost
- A scorching january
- Get your drag on for the DRAGons
- Love your cause
- Fargo to frankfurt: women’s march takes global stage
- Hot At Home: Dragon football remains undefeated on Scheels field
- Water protectors or protesters? Media portrayal may not be whole picture
- Bash on the bridge a major hit
- Dragon football starts 2016 with a win
- Making Connections: FargoConnect holds third annual conference
- Former senate member sues student government
- Everest Tikka House celebrates first anniversary
- REVIEW: When life gives Bey lemons…
- Athletic training major interns with Texas Rangers
- Senate leaders pass the torch
- English prof. volunteers at local cat shelter
- The film look to host high school film festival
- Pascavis moves on to bigger competition
- Students showcase work at annual conference
- In the land of Shakespeare
- ‘The Addams Family Musical’ opens Friday
- Alumna always learning, improving in HoDo pastry department
- ‘Herstory’-making dept. celebrates 45 years
- Former caretaker remembers beloved biology department iguana, Curie
- MSUM theater’s ‘Working’ opens April 13
- The past, present, and future of MSUM’s iconic high rise
- Student’s love of volunteering inspires spring break service
- Film fest fuels alumna’s love of the big screen
- Dragon softball spends break in the sunshine state
- Local awards put student works in the limelight
- Research with a cause
- NPR contest prompts MSUM collaboration
- Capstone projects test student creativity, tenacity
- Swedish recruit finds niche among Dragons
- Recent grad starts photography business
- Alumna authors best-selling children’s book
- “Every Gamer’s dream”
- Moving on up
- On the air
- Need a lift?
- ‘Eurydice’ builds on intense human emotion
- Golden Needle
- Film Capstone Projects Emphasize Need for Art and Creativity during COVID-19
Browsing Tag