Study day events shift to CMU, Wellness Center
Finals. We dread them. We fear them. We downright loathe them. Study day is the glimpse of sun before the dark week ahead. This year, the CMU is hosting a series of events to help make this study day productive as possible.
Annie Wohl, assistant director for communications and student engagement for the CMU had been hearing some concern from students about this year’s study day due to the ongoing library renovations.
Wednesday, students will be able to check into any of the CMU conference rooms and meet with a tutor. Free snacks and coffee will be offered all day. Students can also reserve conference rooms for quiet study time or group meeting space.
“If you are thinking ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know nearly enough about cell bio, we can help you,” Wohl said.
The ballroom will be transformed into a relaxation studio complete with coloring, yoga and meditation. Checking in to the CMU will grant eligibility to win prizes. Students can check in anytime from 8 a.m. to midnight.
The Wellness Center is getting in on the study action this year as well. From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., students can indulge in massages, smoothies and yoga.
Students that check in at both study locations will be eligible to win grand prize packages that include a kindle, free massage sessions and $50 American Express gift cards.
The theme of the day is: “Nap less. Study More.” Wohl said she hopes that students will take advantage of the day and get a head start on finals instead of spending their time on Netflix and laundry.
“Study a little or study a lot. You can sleep until noon and still get two hours of studying in,” Wohl said.
Students wanting to reserve study space can email Annie Wohl at annie.wohl@mnstate.edu